I am so proud of my son for many reasons. He is a good son, a great husband, and a super daddy of two adorable girls. He also took an exam to apply for grad school, passed and was accepted to the Business Grad program at the Univ of AK.
I wanted to post a note to say how proud I am of him and I wish him the best. He will do very well.W and Bill chatted about his new commitment during a relaxing evening in Arkansas last week.
I so wished they (my son and family) lived closer to Minnesota. But now I have a good excuse to go South in the winter (at least for one great big long weekend).
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My Son is in Grad School
Friday, August 28, 2009
August Goals Completed - Now for September
August was pretty productive and I was able to happily accomplish several goals that I posted earlier this month.
1. DONE - Take exam for certification and complete successfully.
2. DONE - Finish unpacking the remaining boxes in the garage(from our move in May) and get the second car in.
3. OOPS - Recycle clothes and make room for the ones I want to wear. Recycle shoes, purses and handbags too.
4. DONE - LOOKING GOOD - Set up my craft area.
5. DONE - Start holiday homemade cards with help from Stampin Up.
6. DONE - FUN ! FUN! - Take a road trip to Arkansas for LG's first birthday.
7. PARTIAL - I DID HELP BUT I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET THERE - Help Sarah and Becca get settled in their new apartment by the end of the month and learn how to get there on my own. Quite a feat for someone directionally challenged.
8. DONE - Take a card class and learn new crafty skills.
Not bad for one month, an exam, card class, holiday cards started, more move projects checked off and a road trip.
1. Recycle those clothes and accessories
2. Organize my card stash for gifting
3. Send a package of goodies to my family in Arkansas
4. Get September birthday cards out on time (that will be a first ever)
5. Read a Programming book for career growth
6. Practice SQL for work
7. Date night once a week with hubby
8. Sign up for a Bible study
After all the activity in August and Scrapfest in September, that's about all I'll have time for.
What are your goals for September? Anything special?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Arkansas and Back
It all went way too fast.
We went, we had fun and we are back.
Birthday Girl - One Year Old
She loved her cards and tags but not the paper so much.
She gets to try again with another family celebration next week.
Unfortunately E was sick for this one and missed out so they are planning a redo for the end of August.
I had plenty of granddaughter time. It was the BEST!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sarah Moves On
The U-haul is packed. Off to St Paul and the newly painted apartment.
A few more stops and the furniture will be unpacked.
For now our second bedroom is empty except for a desk and the twin beds - ready for a sleepover whenever Sarah or Becca stop by.Where did she go? Who do you think will miss her the most?
I'll miss you too. We'll come up and see you at the new place soon.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Successful Completion of Exam
I finally finished my study goal and took my CSQA exam on Saturday morning. The test center was calm and quiet with only about 20 of us taking exams that day. I completed my exam is just under 5 hours. Now I wait 4 weeks to get the results but that's what happens when half of the exam is written as essay answers. I had to really watch the time because when your time is up, it's up! I was in the middle of my last essay question when the screen popped up with - "This portion of the exam is done."
Time to enjoy the rest of the summer before the 'snow season' comes to Minnesota.
How about you, any fun planned during the rest of the summer?