Our Snowy World:
Capone and I took to the streets this morning (the sidewalks are icy and the parks are full of snow).
It was a sunny morning so we walked, he did what dogs do, and I took photos of the snow at our house.The bushes are all covered with snow.
The roof is covered with snow.
Even our air-conditioner is covered with snow; but who needs air conditioning right now anyway.
We do have HEATING. All is well at our house.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
In the Great Outdoors
Thursday, February 25, 2010
March Here We Come
We will have family and friends coming to visit here soon.
Wendy is in town early in March and staying at our house Saturday. It's been almost a year since she left Minnesota and moved closer to her grandchildren.
It will be great to see her and have some quality time together again. (Photos to follow, of course.)
Will and his family are driving to Minnesota to visit later in March. I am so excited to see everyone. I saw them in October but it seems like forever!
Any grandmothers out there that can relate?
March is not the greatest month to visit Minnesota (although better than January); I'm hoping for good weather and great traveling roads for everyone.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Inspiration From a Fellow Blogger
I have been inspired:
Kim at Life Beyond the Picket Fence has posted some of the things that she believes as an inspiration to us all.
Read what she has to say (link above) and then read my list here.
I Believe in:
• the love of God
• the wonder of being a parent to three wonderful children
• the joy of being a grandparent to two beautiful granddaughters
• the talents, support and intelligence of my husband
• writing things down (post-its have saved the day many times)
• spell check
• creative time to stamp, scrapbook, take photos, and update my blog
• learning, whether for an advanced degree, planning a garden or learning to knit
• saving instead of spending (most of the time)
• the fun of finding another stash of unpacked goodies in our garage
• the Minnesota Vikings – 2009 was a great season even if we didn’t get to the Super Bowl
• the calming effect of a cup of hot tea with cream
• the value of a smile
• the love of a pet
• the need for quiet time
• the need for girl-time even when you’re almost fifty
What do you believe in?
Inspired by: The creative masterpiece of Kim @ NewlyWoodwards
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saturday Shares
Fresh Flowers in the House:
I picked up flowers on Friday and presented them to Bill as a gift for his successful completion of an exam earlier this week. I also benefit since they are on display in our front room. It's a way to celebrate a task well done and bring the thought of spring inside.
This is the time of year when we are waiting for spring weather, but know that it will still be winter for a couple more months. That's why we appreciate the spring flowers even if we can only have them inside for now.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ready for Spring!
I recently heard someone say that they are ready to smell the dirt. Can't you just smell the good clean earthy smell of soil ready for new plants to sprout?
In this land of snow and ice, it will be a while coming, but I too am so ready.
Just so you know - This picture was taken in June 2009. A girl can dream, can't she?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Just When We Thought the Road Was Clear
Traveling across town on Saturday, the roads were clear and the truck behind me was ready to drive 90 miles per hour (I let him go around). After a week to work and back at 5 miles per hour, anything above fifty is great - but watch out for pot holes. This winter has been cold, icy and snowy, even in Minnesota standards.
It's Sunday afternoon, Valentine's Day and snowing AGAIN. It seems that we are getting snow for all our holidays this year. We were snowed in for Christmas and New Year's Eve. Hopefully we will see dirt and flowers by July 4th. I am so glad that we are in a townhouse this winter and do not have to plow the driveway or sidewalk. We do however, still have to walk Capone (definitely worth it for the best dog ever). It was windy this afternoon and the snow drifts just keep growing.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
To My Favorite Valentines!
Happy Valentine's Day:
I wish I could spend the day with all of you. Looking forward to a weekend together soon.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
New Baby in the Family
Introducing Emma Grace:
Little Emma arrived at the end of December. She is my nephew Paul and his wife Sarah's first baby and my sister C's first grandchild. So cute!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My Top Ten Reasons to Blog
Reasons I Blog
1. I can share all those photos of friends and family. It’s faster and cheaper that printing them.
2. I can share my day or week with others and encourage them to share theirs with me.
3. I can keep up with family and friend events.
4. I feel connected and part of the blogging community. My favorite blog links are available right on my own blog for one-stop access.
5. It’s my online diary.
6. It’s a place to share the things I love - flowers, fall leaves, cute cards and photography.
7. It’s a place that I can go back to and review what we were doing – a week ago, a month ago or even years ago.
8. It’s an online challenge – Does anyone have a comment? Does anyone read this?
9. It’s a chance to be creative. I could do that… I like that … It enables me to do more online shopping even though I should not.
10. It’s a place to comment on current events!
What are your top reasons for blogging?